Tags: supercollider

Mechainstrument study and docs

Here is the video of a short study done with the mechainstrument. It’s an early stage of both the system, as well as the piece itself. Code for the SuperCollider, as well as trained networks’ parameters are attached below (you may want to change the extension to .scd after downloading): networks

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Tape music and neural network

Let’s narrow down the goals for this project: I want to create an intuitive interface to control – that is perform – pieces which are pre-composed, very much as “tape music” is. The idea is for the performer to make gestures with hands while “practicing” with the piece. In this process system is supposed to …

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Wekinator and machine learning

I was very excited when I heard about Wekinator project. It looked like a very developed  implementation of the functionality I wanted. I tried to hook it up to SuperCollider and Kinect. Short note on Kinect: I’m using OSCeleton, which depends on OpenNI / NITE (info on installation is on the OSCeleton website). It tracks …

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