Rough time plan for realisation of Mechainstrument:
- Week 1 (03/28) – overview
- Week 2 (04/04) – research/try/decide on hand position reading method (proximity sensors, video tracking, magnetic field…?)
- Week 3 (04/11) – research/try/decide on mechanical instrument part (types of robotic instruments created, drums, strings etc.)
- Week 4 (04/18) – start fabrication…
- Week 5 (04/25) – continue fabrication, preliminary “tune” robotic “instruments”; start programming
- Week 6 (05/02) – continue programming
- Week 7 & 8 – work on musical qualities: tweak individual sounds, possibly incorporate electronic sounds and/or transformations, create large scale gestures
- Week 9 & 10 – practice and rehearse with instrument, this will involve tweaking and programming etc.; prepare a piece for presentation